Choosing The Right Brush When Waxing Furniture

We all love to cut corners where we can, especially for a DIY project. Sometimes, however, you just need to invest in the right tools for the job. Brushes are a good place to invest. But, which brush is right when it comes to waxing your furniture? Let's discuss!
Quality: Although a bit pricey, a good brush can last you decades! You've heard the term, "buy once cry once"...well, a good brush can last you decades, and with that kind of longevity, it should be a little easier to open up your wallet.
Style: You want to look for, what the pros call, a round "sash". Round brushes are great for 3D pieces like furniture or vintage frames with lots of detail. Round brushes are sturdier with short bristles that will give you more control when applying your wax both into the paint and into crevices, corners, and edging.
Material: Bristles can be either natural or synthetic. When working with wax, you want to use a brush with natural bristles. Often times we use wax to give our pieces a more antique effect, and using a natural brush will give us the finish we are looking for. A synthetic brush just won't leave the same texture as natural bristles do. Be aware that some shedding will occur with natural bristles, but investing in a quality brush will minimize that!

Cleaning you wax brushes only takes a few minutes, so be sure to take the time to clean them well so that your expensive brushes last as long as they should.
STEP ONE: Remove any excess wax with a paper towel.
STEP TWO: Pour mineral spirits into a glass and let your bristles soak for about 30 seconds to a minute while swishing and pushing your brush into the liquid.
STEP THREE: Remove the brush from the liquid and gently wash the bristles with a mild detergent.
STEP FOUR: Squeeze out any excess water and let dry.
Please note: Even with excellent cleaning, once you use a brush for wax, it will always be a brush used for waxing. Do not try to use your wax brushes for paint.
Planning to wax your furniture soon? Be sure to tag @mrs.pinkadot on Facebook so we can see your finished product! If you have any questions, comment below or stop by the store at 1914 Granby Street in Norfolk, VA and one of our many staff members would be happy to help you!